Lesson Eight: Show Me What You Know
This is the last lesson in this unit! Would you consider taking a moment to fill out our Feedback Questionnaire?
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Time: Teacher decides how much time to give in daily multiple sessions for students to complete and present their projects. Suggested time for entire lesson would be no more than a week.
Essential Question: How can we be stewards of Wyoming’s minerals and energy to benefit current and future generations?
Objective: Students will collect information in order to create a final project that demonstrates their learning about Wyoming’s mineral and energy resources.
Purpose: Students demonstrate their knowledge about Wyoming’s renewable and nonrenewable resources and the importance of conserving them in order to be a steward of Wyoming’s resources.
Required Materials/Resources:
• Vocabulary and Definition Cards (See Suggested Teacher Preparation below)
• Wyoming Resources Stewardship project (one per student) There are three options for the students:
o Wyoming Stewards Poster Sections
o Wyoming Stewards Booklet
o Stewards of Wyoming Graphic Organizer
• Rubric (one per student)
• Markers, crayons, colored pencils
• Anchor charts and all materials used in previous lessons for students to use as content resources
• Optional materials:
• Poster board or butcher paper for students to attach poster items to if students are using this option.
• Sticky notes
Suggested Teacher Preparation:
• Using vocabulary from the unit vocabulary anchor chart, create term and definition cards for the vocabulary review activity. (See Part 1.)
• Decide whether students will pick what type of project they will complete or if they will be assigned one specific type. Prepare chosen materials. (Booklet template should be printed front to back, flipping on long edge, and cut down solid center line.)
Science: 2-LS4-1-(DCI)-(Practiced/Encountered),
2-ESS1-1 (Practiced/Encountered)
Social Studies: SS2.4.1, SS2.5.4 (Practiced/Encountered)
ELA: 2.W.8, 2.SL.2, 2.SL.6 (Practiced/Encountered)
CVE: CV5.4.1 (Explicit), CV5.2.2, CV5.3.2 (Practiced/Encountered)
No new vocabulary is introduced in the lesson.
Instructional Procedure/Steps:
Part 1– Vocabulary Review Game
1. Say: “We have learned many new words throughout this unit. Today, we are going to review the meanings of these words with a quick game.”
2. Say: “Each of you will receive a card. Some cards have words, and some have definitions. Your job is to find the person who has the word or definition that matches yours. When I say ‘Go,’ everyone will find the person who has their matching card.”
3. Pass out vocabulary cards and definitions so each student receives one card.
4. Students will find the person that has the corresponding vocabulary word/definition. When all pairs have matched, have them share out their terms and definitions with the class.
5. It is expected that students will use academic vocabulary from this unit in their projects.
Part 2 – Final Stewardship Project
Assign students their project types or allow them to choose an option. Have students independently work to gather information for their final projects. They should refer to the anchor charts and written work from previous lessons throughout the unit. Their projects must include information about the following criteria:
• Renewable resource: provide at least one example, draw and label a picture of the example, and describe how it is used.
• Nonrenewable resource: provide at least one example, draw and label a picture of the example, and describe how it is used.
• Answer the question: How do our resources make Wyoming unique?
• Answer the question: Why should we conserve our natural resources in Wyoming?
• Answer the question: Why is reclamation of the land important for the diversity of the habitat? and draw a picture of a reclaimed mine.
• Answer the question: How does taking care of our natural resources and our land make you a steward of Wyoming? and draw a picture.
2. Once students have completed the first drafts of their projects, students will submit their project to the teacher. Verify that all information included is correct. If students have misconceptions, address these with the student or entire class if necessary. Once all projects contain accurate information, plan the presentation day, and have students share their projects.
Teacher Note:
Use provided rubric to evaluate students’ final projects and understanding of the unit.
Credits/Sources: Not applicable