Lesson Eight: Super Stewards
This is the last lesson in this unit! Would you consider taking a moment to fill out our Feedback Questionnaire?
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Time: Suggested time is five days of designated class periods for creating and presenting the projects, but individual teachers should assess their available time and the time their students need to complete the projects.
Essential Question: How can we be stewards of Wyoming’s agriculture to benefit current and future generations?
Objective: Students will explain the role of stewardship in Wyoming agriculture.
Purpose: Students define the role of a steward in Wyoming agriculture through their advertisements and presentations.
Required Materials/Resources:
• Concepts, anchor charts, and materials from lessons 1-7 will be the basis for the information to be used in student advertisements.
• Student supplies necessary to make their advertisements. These can be electronic or traditional resources, like poster board, paper, scissors, markers, etc.
• Scoring rubric (one per student)
• Wyoming Stewardship Project Poster
Suggested Teacher Preparation:
• Choose which of the content/vocabulary from the previous lessons to review with your students.
• Post anchor charts from previous lessons.
• Decide how many class periods/how much time you will allow for students to work on their projects.
• Optional: Create a model advertisement (poster, commercial, etc.) that meets scoring rubric requirements prior to starting this lesson to use as an example for students.
ELA: 2.W.5, 2.W.7, 2.W.8, 2.SL.2, 2.SL.3, 2.SL.4, 2.SL.6 (Practiced/Encountered)
CVE: CV5.2.2 (Practiced/Encountered)
• Conservation – the careful utilization of a resource in order to prevent waste and leave some for future generations
• Stewardship – As Wyoming citizens, we are stewards entrusted with the responsible development, care, and use of our resources to benefit current and future generations.
Instructional Procedure/Steps:
1. Review content and vocabulary from past lessons that you chose to emphasize for your students. Discuss with students the following questions to provide the background schema necessary for them to create a final project:
• “How have tools changed?”
• “How have tools impacted farmer’s production of crops?”
• “How has soil been conserved through ideas like crop rotation and the use of new tools?”
• “How does weather affect soil/crops?”
• “What are methods farmers use to reduce the negative effects of weather on land and crop production?”
• “What must crops have to grow well?”
• “What are some ways farmers are good stewards?”
• “How do all of these components make good stewards of Wyoming?”
• “What impact does agriculture have on Wyoming?” Possible points: agriculture provides jobs for people in Wyoming, agriculture provides food for people and animals.
• “What would happen if agriculture were to go away in Wyoming?” Possible points: loss of jobs, impact on people and animals.
• “How do all of these things link to being a good steward in Wyoming?”
Teacher Note:
Teacher Note:
After reviewing the definition of stewardship as a whole class with the Stewardship Poster, say: “For our final project, you will create an advertisement that encourages people to be good stewards of Wyoming agriculture. You must use pictures and accurate information to share your important ideas. Facts help inform and persuade people. You want to include information and facts that encourage people to be good stewards.”
3. Give examples of possible teacher-approved project methods (posters, PowerPoints, dioramas, skits, etc.). Provide students with an example of how these formats could be used. For example, say: “If I were going to make a poster, I would include facts about why being a steward of agriculture is important and information about the many ways farmers are good stewards. In order to create a good advertisement, I need to include pictures that emphasize my most important ideas. Finally, I would include the definition of stewardship.” If you have created a model advertisement, show it to students at this time. Give students time to choose one of the allowable project methods. Once students have chosen a method, pass out and discuss the scoring rubric that will be used to assess their understanding of stewardship of Wyoming agriculture. This rubric will provide project expectations.
Teacher Note:
method such as PowerPoint, poster, diorama, skit, etc. that the teacher can access and wishes to have their students do.
4. For the next teacher-decided class periods, have students work on their advertisements. Students must use resources from previous lessons to find the facts and information needed to create their advertisements. Teacher should set an allotted amount of time to complete advertisements.
5. When all students are finished, have them present their advertisements. Use scoring rubric to score the advertisements and presentations.
The summative presentations of advertisements that illustrate students’ role as stewards of Wyoming. Students’ presentations should include their learning from lessons 1-7.
Not applicable